How to Incorporate Cost-Efficient Printing and Coding Processes into Your Production Line

Cost-Efficient Printing and Coding Processes

The manufacturing process could be very costly. But even when huge expenses are usually a part of normal operations in your industry, there are still ways to control costs especially when it comes to your printing and coding processes.

Here are cost-effective printing and coding tips that won’t get in the way of efficient and hassle-free manufacturing operations.


3 Key Tips to Printing and Coding Efficiency


1. Avoid Coding Defects

Coding defects result in a waste of time and money. Defects such as wrong placement of codes and erroneous coding will cause delays in manufacturing operations. Along with that are waste of resources that add up to your expenses.

To prevent coding defects, you can use coders and printers that use templates for coding efficiency. This will allow automation of your processes while limiting the occurrence of human errors even in a busy environment.

Elixir offers printing and coding machines from Linx such as the Linx FSL20 and FSL50 fibre laser coders and Linx 8900/8910 Continuous Inkjet printers that both offer the most efficient production line solutions to increase your output without compromising quality.


2. Reduce Processing Time

When production demand increases, the time required to affix labels also increases. However, this is only true when manually done. The best way to deal with the increase in demand is to streamline your operations with the right technology and equipment.

A high-speed and reliable print and apply machine such as Evolabel can improve your operations, meet current demand, and reduce processing time without additional labor or manpower required.


3. Practice Smart Delegation

Humans and machines can co-exist in a facility. You just have to know how you can make the most of your resources.

Printing and coding technologies are designed to work non-stop even with minimum human supervision. With the right programming, these machines can deliver high-speed results within a short period of time even with a high-volume requirement. With proper maintenance, you can get your ROI and even more within a short period of time.


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As they say, time is gold and this applies in the manufacturing industry and even in other business areas. While errors happen and are deemed normal especially among humans, there are ways to reduce them so as to avoid getting in the way of a hassle-free and cost-efficient production line.

High-speed and accurate printing and coding technologies are now available to eliminate downtime and help make the most of your earning potential. Contact Elixr today so we can assist you with your printing and coding requirements.