How to Select the Best Fiber Laser Marking Machine For Your Business Needs

Best Laser Marking Machine

There are several options that you can find when searching for a fibre laser marking machine for your business. With the variations that you’ll be presented with, choosing the right equipment could be quite a challenge. To give you a better understanding of laser marking machines, here’s the 2nd part of our article series that should guide you further in making the right choice.


Tips in Choosing a Laser Marking Machine for Your Business


1. Check Machine Quality and Configuration

First of all, you need to make sure that the fibre laser marking you’ll choose will work to suit your purpose. These machines are configured differently to perform a specific task. A quick assessment of the machine will help you determine how it works and if it suited for your needs.

  • Does the depth of its marking complement your engraving needs?
  • Can it support 24-hr operations?
  • How much power will it consume?
  • Does it allow high precision and rapid marking?

These are some of the points you need to assess to understand is configured to meet your requirements.


2. Consider the Price of the Equipment

Low-cost products aren’t always your best choice. While your budget must be taken into consideration, you also have to ensure that its functionality and value won’t be compromised. 

You also have to take into consideration the overhead cost of the laser marking machine. Look into its energy efficiency, marking effect, and production speed to get a better overview of its value.


3. Find Trusted Brands

Fibre laser marking machines come with various brands. Each may claim that they have the best products in the market but it’s really for you to find out if their claims are true. Aside from customer reviews, you should look into their industry experience and the reputation they’ve built over the years. 

Linx is one of the most trusted brands that offer industrial laser and coders. With more than 30 years in the industry, it has produced some of the best products that ensure greater levels of reliability, lower costs of ownership and ease of use. Its fibre laser marking machines such as the Linx FSL20 & FSL50 use fibre laser technology for permanent coding and are suited for a wide range of materials.


4. Look into After-Sale Service

The support you’ll get after a fibre laser marking machine is acquired is essential. With a good after-sale service, you can manage and maintain your machine even without an in-house staff to do it.  An industrial equipment supplier who offers the same commitment from the time you inquired about the equipment and even after it is delivered will ensure convenience and free you from unnecessary worries.


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Linx fibre laser marking machines leave a permanent mark on metal, rubber, plastic, packaging foils and other materials. They produce quality codes even when used in marking a large amount of data onto very small components. If you are after creating machine-readable codes, logos, and even graphics, you can rely on these products to produce results with exceptional clarity. Whether you are in the pharmaceutical, automotive, electronics, and other industries, you can rely on Linx. 

Elixir is an industrial equipment supplier in the Philippines that offers laser and coders from Linx. Check out our laser and marking products to find the machines that can improve your operational efficiency.