4 Product Packaging Improvement Ideas that Can Boost Your Sales

4 Product Packaging Improvement Ideas that Can Boost Your Sales

There are different factors that affect product success. While there are some who may focus on the product alone, you should also take into consideration the impact of packaging on your product sales.

Your product packaging can influence how consumers will view the actual product. It will be the initial connection that they’ll have with what you’re offering them. When done right, it will help you capture their interest. On the other hand, it can also be one of the factors why they’ll turn away and look for other options.

As product packaging evolves, you should look into the options that can further improve your product’s shelf performance. Here are some of the tips that you can follow.


4 Ways to Improve Your Product Packaging


1. Integrate Technology with Your Product Packaging

Packaging technology has evolved to offer new ways for consumers to experience your product. This should be easy especially with the availability of coding and printing machines that can transform your packaging.

QR Codes or barcodes are just some of the tech-integrated features that you can add to your product packaging. These innovative packaging innovations can be used to connect your customers to your social media accounts, invite them to participate in your interactive promotions, or answer a survey. Aside from those, these codes can also reinforce your product logistics so you can be more on top of your management and monitoring.


2. Consider Visual Stimuli

One of the core principles that you can learn from marketing psychology is that people respond to visual stimuli on a subconscious level. It will be up to you if your product’s packaging design will be good enough for consumers to respond in your favor.

For your product to be visually stimulating, use eye-catching graphics and colors that will attract consumers. It is important to consider colors that will reinforce your brand identity. Furthermore, take into consideration the emotional associations that you’ll use for your product packaging. 

Here’s a quick guide on color association for your reference:

  • Red – love, passion, anger, action.
  • Blue – peace, trust, stability, sadness
  • Yellow – happiness 
  • Green – finances, money.


3. Pay Attention to Packaging Typography

The font style you’ll choose for your packaging design is also crucial. After all, it will have an impact on the message that you want to convey to your customers. Make sure that your packaging typography is easy to read and can support your message and establish your brand the way you want it to be perceived.

Like colors, there are also messages that font scripts convey. Some of these are as follows:

  • Fancy Fonts  – authority, influence, elegance, and maturity
  • Hand Script Fonts  – laid-back, playful, rebellious, and youthful
  • Serif Fonts – dependability, solidity, and longevity
  • Sans-Serif Fonts – modernism, directness, simplicity
  • Headline Fonts – intense, honest, and attention-grabbing
  • Decorative Fonts – unique, playful, and pleasurable

In a study, it showed that using ornate script fonts vs a simple font can have a negative impact? With the ornate script, respondents got the impression that a task would take longer than the exact same task that used a clean, simple font for the explanation.


4. Go For Sustainability

A lot of manufacturers have already geared towards the sustainability of their products. Not only because this is the trend, but also because this is what most consumers prefer. The lesser your product’s carbon will be, the better for you, your customers, and your brand.

There are automated packaging machines that you can invest in to cut down material waste so you can be more efficient in controlling your waste products and lower your energy consumption at the same time. Packaging automation helps ensure precision so errors are omitted in the process. This way, you are able to do your part in protecting the environment and earn a positive reputation in the eyes of your target market.


ALSO READ: 5 Benefits of Investing in Automated Packaging Equipment 


There are steps that you can take to ensure that your product packaging can drive financial success. Innovate now to bring improvements on the overall performance of your product.

Elixir Industrial Equipment is a trusted supplier of product coding solutions and automated packaging machines with a wide selection of models from world-renowned brands. 

Contact us to inquire about the products that we can provide for you.