RG2 FT Gripper
See and touch objects with intelligent gripping
- Gripper with F/T sensor at the fingertips
- Detects workpiece using proximity sensor
- Detects risk of slipping before it happens
- Precise & simple depth compensation
- Integrated force-controlled insertion software
- Force/Torque sensor for enabling precise machine tending, assembly jobs and collaborative operations
You can automate high precision assembly tasks with OnRobot RG2-FT Gripper. The in-built 6 axis F/T sensors at the fingertips provide extremely accurate gripping for better production quality

We can help you on your Robotics and Automation needs. Get in touch with the Elixir team now!
OnRobot is a born global company with headquarters situated in the robotic cluster capital Odense, Denmark. We provide innovative Plug & Produce End-of-Arm Tooling that help manufacturers take full advantage of the benefits of collaborative robots: ease of use, cost-effectiveness and safe use alongside human workers.
- Assembly
- Pick & Place
- Machine Tending