Streamline Your Manufacturing Processes with Advanced Industrial Printing Technologies

Streamline Your Manufacturing Processes with Advanced Industrial Printing Technologies

As industrial technologies continue to evolve, manufacturers should take the step to make the most of new advancements to streamline their processes and cut unnecessary losses. If you are still using traditional printing and coding techniques, you have a lot of catching up to do.

With the right industrial printers, you can add efficiency, speed, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness to your production line. Here are some tips to get you started.


3 Basic Tips to Streamline Your Manufacturing Processes


1. Keep it smart and simple.

No matter how fast technology advances, it is important to look into options that offer smart but simple technology. Aside from highly-advanced features, you can also find greater benefits from industrial printers and coders that are easy to use and maintain. Innovative features mixed with a simple interface will allow you to reduce downtime and improve output at the same time.

Find printers that are technologically advanced but still offer intuitive handling and clear user instructions. It is also important to look into connectivity that will allow seamless interaction with any network or any other devices you have in your facility.

2. Look into sustainability.

Sustainability has become an essential factor that must be taken into consideration when making decisions. This applies to whatever industry you belong to. Choose printers with energy-saving features as well as those that can reduce errors during production. Accuracy is also a factor to consider as it affects the waste you produce and the energy you consume at the same time.


3. Print at high-speed.

Time is of great essence, especially in manufacturing lines. With the right printers, you can speed up your production to meet high-volume demands. Choose industrial printers that can cope up with your requirements and maximize your production time.


The Linx 8920 continuous inkjet printer from Elixir is a cost-efficient device with a large touchscreen interface, self-servicing module, system monitoring and click-into-place fluid cartridges. It will allow you to fully manage the machine so you can make the most of your investment. With its advanced printing technology, the 8920 continuous inkjet printer has all the benefits of the Linx 8900 printer and even more. It can produce quality prints for barcodes, QR codes, time codes, and batch numbers but can print up to 5 character lines at once at a speed of 7.28m/s. 


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Innovations continue to provide you with more options to streamline your manufacturing processes. When it comes to industrial printers that can help you keep up with your production needs, Elixir has a wide selection to offer from some of the most trusted industry brands. Contact us or check out our products today.